Próxima parada / Next stop

Próxima parada: La luz / La paz - Next stop: The light / The peace 
Vídeo collage, EK, 2022 
(La estación de metro para llegar a mi taller - The subway station to get to my studio)

Viaje al interior del cuadro

Voyage inside the painting, Video assembly of works, and details, on paper with mixed techniques / Viaje al interior de cuadro, Video montaje de obras sobre papel con técnicas mixtas

War Poems / Poemas de guerra

War Poems / Poemas de guerra, Ernst Kraft, 2019
Acrylic on coated paper / Acrílico sobre papel cuché - 53 x 1000 cm.
Details of the work / Detalles de la obra


Video collage, Ernst Kraft, 2020

THE TUNNEL / El túnel

Video animation, Ernst Kraft, 2019


Video clip de Ernst Kraft, 2018, sobre el faro (La Farola) de Málaga y el acoso urbanístico / Video clip about the Malaga lighthouse and urban harassment.

VANISHING SPHERE / Esfera de fuga

Video clip 2017

THE CUBE / El cubo

Video animation of a cube and a sphere on the sea pier in Malaga / Video animación de un cubo y una esfera en la muelle del mar en Málaga. Imagenes y video © Ernst Kraft, 2017

THE BAND – Con la música a otra parte 

Ernst Kraft video clip 2016


The hidden story, hauntingly familiar... La historia oculta, inquietantemente familiar...
Ernst Kraft video clip 2016

CARTAS / Letters
video collage Ernst Kraft - 2016


un video de Ernst Kraft, (Santander 2015)


 Pegasus and the curved horizon - Ernst Kraft – 2015

El destierro de la luna 

Exile of the moon 

La luna sigue alejándose. ¿Por qué?
The moon continues moving away. Why? 


The story behind the doors, stairs and odd objects in space.
La historia detrás de las puertas, las escaleras y los objetos extraños en el espacio.

La cruz del patio

Das Schloß

Fenster dienen da zu

Fenster dienen dazu natürliches Licht im Gebäude zu lassen und gleichzeitig das Innere der Gebäude vor den Einflüssen der Witterung abzuschirmen.
Las ventanas se utilizan para permitir la luz natural en los edificios y, al mismo tiempo protege su interior de los efectos de la intemperie… 

DEAD END / punto muerto

DEAD END, a video collage by Ernst Kraft
Under the shade of the fence... because of the subsurface temperature of the city, heating and cooling is different.In the underground house we are the lovers of night making sounds.Are they crying above-ground?
Punto muerto, un video collage de Ernst Kraft
Bajo la sombra de la valla...,  a causa de la temperatura del subsuelo de la ciudad, la calefacción y la refrigeración es diferente. En la casa subterránea somos los amantes de los sonidos de la noche. ¿Están llorando? en el superficie del suelo... (2013)


Siesta, this afternoon breeze... (Este vientecillo de la tarde..)
"Half awake half asleep and dreaming with the cool wind, 
and the sound of flowing water..."
(Filmed with a hand hold camara, Nikon Coolpix, 2012) 


“Tempest”, Storm, 2012
A Project  by the artists Ernst Kraft and Charo Carrera, on display in the gallery El Estudio de Ignacio del Rio, Malaga, Spain
Synopsis of the project: After the heavy storm and rain at the beginning of October the artists saw on the beach of Malaga, an uprooted tree along the waterfront.. . The storm has given it to the sea, and the sea just left it abandoned on the beach, that’s how things go… no sign where it came from… yet on the surface there were multiple lines, like drawings or cryptic writings, engraved in its red-brown skin..  Tracking the lines of these strange natural scriptures, all along the full length of the tree, made a fascinating and tragic portrait of life and death.
During four days the artists visited daily this sad dying creature, on the fifth day, the sky has darkened again, a deep mist covered all Malaga and its beaches, and they found the tree cut into pieces, prepared to be incinerated…
Several techniques were used to portrait this majestic being and its weary end:  such as photography, painting, monotype and video..  like an “hommage”  to an unknown sailor…

La Casa de las dos chimeneas

The house wth the two chimneys
Impresión en video de la construcción escultórica "La Casa de las dos chimeneas", Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina. Bitácora de un proyecto. 2010

El laberinto / The maze 

Video for the occasion of the construction of the maze in the Alzheimer Foundation in León, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2006
(Shortened version, 2017)

The gostac distims the doshes

About the Gostac trilogy: ... an utterance in what appears to be a human language
or some other symbolic system, that does not in fact carry
any identifiable meaning…. to create a dramatic, syntactically-correct,
easily parseable sentence using nonsense words. famous examples
as "The gostac distims the doshes" by Lewis Carroll or Lucien Tesniére's
"The vertebral silence indisposes the licit sail", bearing in mind Chompky's
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" and "Le cadavre exquis boira le vin nouveau"

THE GOSTAC TRILOGY from Ernst Kraft on Vimeo.

Totentanz (Tango de la muerte)

Totentanz / Dance macabre, a video animation by Ernst Kraft about love, death and the other side... 
(I am stll young, oh why destroy me with your breath
I am your friend,and bring no harm. Have courage, See I am not wild
Now go to sleep upon my arm... )